After many people decide to join the IT field, they turn their attention to the specialty of Android developer. We have no doubt that this is one of the promising directions, allowing you to quickly become a popular specialist with a high salary.
The general plan of what disciplines and in what order you are to learn is as follows:
- First you will choose a language such as Kotlin or Java.
- And then you’re going to use the basics, like Android Studio, object-oriented programming framework, data structure and algorithms, Gradle.
- Work with VCS, that is, a specific data control system.
- Then, you will study the Android architecture, including MVM, MVI and MVP.
- Then you will understand how the application creation process works.
- The final stage is the advanced development and its regularities.
Now we’re going to describe it in detail.
Language choice
Ideally, you should know both Kotlin and Java. But you will not be able to understand the first language without knowing the second one. The fact is that in Kotlin, JVM is actively used. So you should start with Java. The basis of this language is needed to learn Kotlin.
But it will be reasonable and the option in which the beginner will master the Java base, and then begin to learn Kotlin. The fact is that this language is now very developed and focused exclusively on development on Android, while Java is also actively used in BigData and even in software development for Windows.
Fair start
The first thing you need to do is download Android Studio and get used to it, explore its interface and basic capabilities. After that you will begin to get acquainted with the language chosen for learning in more detail as it will allow you to process it quickly and efficiently. However, you should not forget that you will have to learn at least the Java base in parallel to learn Kotlin from the start. Never forget the fact that both Java and Kotlin are full object-oriented languages. That is why you also need to get used to the principles of this interesting and important sphere of activity, because it will help you to do your work skilfully and quickly.
After that, you have to understand how you should work with data structure and algorithms, underpinning your theoretical knowledge with practice. At the same time, the next step is to download the Gradle. We are referring to the automated build system, because in manual mode it is unnecessarily long and difficult to collect projects based on the instructions of frameworks and necessary libraries.

Interface with VCS and Android Architecture
First you need to explore the capabilities and basic Git commands. At this stage, you have to choose a convenient web hosting for projects and try to save the first repositories. Next, you will begin to get acquainted with the so-called Android Architecture. It’s important for you to understand that using a variety of programming patterns allows you to make the code better and understandable, and then scale the thing. Among the main patterns are MVM, MVI and MVP.
Programmes development
Next begins a very unique stage. So, the Activity in the Android operating system is a window program. If simple programs consist of a single Activity, the more complex ones require about three ones. At the same time, at the Activity, there are six Callbacks, such as on Create, on Start, on Resume, on Pause, on Stop and on Destroy. Once you’ve done that, you can start to learn how to design flexible interfaces using fragments. Next, nothing will prevent you from starting debugging through Android Studio Debugger. To work with different components, you will have to learn popular libraries and tools, and then Intent will be available for study too.
At this point, you need to take some interesting idea and make them happen. So, Morecast Weather is an app that helps users to track weather forecasts quickly and conveniently. That is, it is a useful program for any user. You can simply start free download apk of this program or any other pne, and then, you will immediately understand how it works and how it helps users.